China's Militarism
China has been extremely aggressive militarily during the covid lock down.
China grossly violated international agreements to crush Hong Kong, and was met with somewhere between tepid and zero response worldwide. China is now threatening the independence of Taiwan. These actions are extreme. As are China's saber rattling in the South China Sea.
The person in charge of pissing contests faithfully executed his job yesterday, bragging about how tough and ready China's military forces are, and hearkened to the "first shot" dissembling about "who started the war."
This article speaks of the extremely important issue of "grey zone warfare."
People busy delighting in and enabling the domestic weakening of the United States should awaken from this and develop a more clear sense of threats and challenges to American ideals. (frank)
Here is from an article on China and war (please pay special attention to the grey zone warfare issue). People who pray should be prayerful these days:
"A loyal servant of the government Central Foreign Affairs Commission, Hu's words are closely reflective of Beijing's thinking. Hu went further. "My suggestion," he said, "is that under no circumstances should the Chinese military fire the first shot. But I am confident that China will be well prepared to fire a second shot as a response to the first shot. On core interests, China will not back off. China's stance is clear to all."
"On paper, this push not to fire the first shot looks relatively moderate. But that perception is misguided. China has learned from the Russian example of so-called grey zone warfare, involving actions that threaten U.S. personnel in ways that fall short of lethal attacks. In the South China Sea, this Chinese activity centers on tactics such as shining laser beams into the cockpits of U.S. aircraft and conducting dangerous fighter jet interceptions of those aircraft. This allows China to threaten American interests without explicitly firing the first shot. But as tensions ratchet upward, it is eminently feasible that the U.S. military might take proactive defensive action." Article URL
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