Identification with One's Birth Gender, and Opposite Sex Attraction Deemed Evil - NPR Interview

New York Times opinion piece describes NPR Interview with Natalie Escobar and Vicky Osterwiel in which they They discuss their book "In Defense of Looting" about ... ready ... "cisheteropatriarchal racial capitalist society"

That is CIS - Hetereosexual - Patriarchal - Racial - Capitalist - society.
CIS means identifying with your gender at birth. The rest of the terms you probably know. Each and all of these are the roots of evil, and must be annihilated, by murder, death, and violence if necessary.
If you are any of these things (for example, CIS (you identify with your birth gender), or Heterosexual (you are attracted to members of the "opposite" sex (that is if you conform to anachronistic notions such as the existence of Male and Female among humans), you are the enemy.
This worldview is mainstream enough to warrant a respectful and lengthy interview with US government funded NPR (National Public Radio. (frank)
"A lengthy interview by NPR’s Natalie Escobar with Vicky Osterweil, author of “In Defense of Looting.” The book makes the case for looting because it “attacks some of the core beliefs and structures of cisheteropatriarchal racial capitalist society”; “rejects the legitimacy of ownership rights and property”; and “reveals all these for what they are: not natural facts, but social constructs benefiting a few at the expense of the many, upheld by ideology, economy and state violence.”
